This series of gatherings is an outgrowth of the Rise Up Rooted workshops done in collaboration with Heather Dorfman and Megan Hayne in 2024. The last time we were at Oak Island, we heard and saw that the land would very much like a group of humans to regularly gather there and bring our attention and love.
And so, we invite you to Listening to the Land: Oak Island. This is a free, monthly gathering. It will likely be quite informal and emergent. We envision a time to say hello and make offerings to the land, some individual listening, and coming together in circle to share what we've heard.
If you long for a deeper connection to the land, we hope you’ll join us, whether it’s once or multiple times.
Where: Oak Island Trailhead, about 35 minutes outside of Portland
Dates: The third Saturday of each month, starting April 19th
Time: 10a - 12p
Please register here, just so we know how many folks are joining.
If you have questions please contact us!