How to Disrupt Homeostasis in Your Career

Every living organism benefits from homeostasis. It’s the process by which our bodies stay stable even amidst constantly changing variables. Homeostasis is what happens when, for example, you move from an air conditioned car to an extremely warm environment and your body needs to keep your core temperature constant.

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Everything is Not the Most Amazing Thing Ever

Have you ever been scrolling through LinkedIn and noticed how every job opportunity is touted as the most amazing thing ever!? I went through my feed recently, and here are a few direct quotes I found:

“I have an open position that you're definitely going to want to take a look at! That is, if you're incredibly passionate and ready to look at an exciting new opportunity!

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Summer Solstice: Work as a Vehicle for Good

I love the Summer Solstice. It’s the longest day of the year, and it also happens to be right around the time when I started my business three years ago. I think part of the reason why I enjoy the Solstice so much is because it’s an easy way to remember to expand.

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If Your Career Was a Carrot

A good example of a common taproot is the carrot. A taproot comes out of the carrot seed, bolts down into the earth, and it starts growing. In this particular example, the taproot becomes a large food storage center for the plant, which we pull up and eat as a carrot. If you pull a carrot out of the ground, you’ll see those small lateral roots growing off of it.

As always, the wild has so much to teach us about ourselves, and a question popped into my mind: what if my career was a carrot?

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Fascism + Getting Back to Basics

As someone with a lot of privilege, it’s easy to hole up and ignore most of what’s going on until I feel ready to engage with the news. When I choose to look or am confronted by it just by virtue of existing in this world, it’s not long before I’m spiraling out into what-is-the-point-of-all-this-land.

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