Does The World Even Need What You’ve Got?
One of the blocks I hear from people who are seeking new work is something along the lines of “The world doesn’t need another X,” whether it’s another Coach, Consultant, Writer, Software Engineer, or any other role. This is something I bump into myself, too. Does the world really need another podcast? Another email newsletter? Another website, or social media post?
The answer to all of these questions can easily be “no.”
But they are the wrong questions.
One of my favorite lessons of the Spring season is this: it is imperative for every being on this planet to thrive when it’s their time.
Do you think there are dandelion plants in my yard wondering if I really need another one of them? Hell no - they are busting up left and right, without any shrinking or apology. Are there gray whale calves off the coast of Mexico wondering if the seas really need another one of their behemoth bodies? Absolutely not. And there is a part of you that understands that your bright presence here is imperative as well.
A better question than “Does the world really need another (insert role or offering),” is this:
Does the world need more aliveness?
Yes, it does.
Aren’t you the Earth? Isn’t the Earth you? Doesn’t the ecosystem benefit from whatever it is that makes you feel more connected to it, more alive, and more awake to the vibrancy that is dancing all around you right now?
There is truly enough room for every being that wants to bloom or be born right now. We need more flowers, more baby animals, more of your spark - not less. What we need less of are all the things that impair the symphony of rebirth that’s necessary each year, these loud engines of capitalism and domination that seek to choke and drown out Nature herself.
Healthy ecosystems are bursting with diversity and activity. You don’t need to worry about whether or not you’re adding too much to the scene. If it feels out of balance, go back inside and see if what you’re offering is the truest version of you as possible. See if there are ways to make it more generous, more welcoming to all people, more liberatory and radical.
The next time you wonder if the world really needs another of whatever you’ve got, I encourage you to find a tree bursting with blossoms or a field thick with flowers and pollinators and show your doubting mind what Life really wants from you right now. We’re so used to seeing depleted lands with a few sparse blooms or one wild creature in it that we forget how much life this planet really wants to hold.
If you feel pulled to step into a new version of yourself or your work this Spring, put down the idea that the world doesn’t need it. It does. It needs the brightest, most colorful, most ingenious, most contented, wisest version of you that you can muster right now.
So bloom, bloom, bloom, and be met by the Sun, by the bees, by the chorus of resonance that you will hear more clearly as you stretch into your beauty.