Inquiry 4/4: What Will the Darkness Do To You?

I’ve always been scared easily. My jumpy nature has been with me throughout my life, and images from scary movies I watched as a kid are still seared into my psyche, always at the ready when I’m home alone or out in the woods.

The summer after high school, I went camping with some friends, and when it got dark, I was incessant in my requests for someone to go to the bathroom with me, go to the car with essentially never leave me remotely vulnerable once it was nighttime.

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Inquiry 3/4: Out With the Old, In With the New

Every 30 days, I look forward to getting Lena Stevens’ monthly forecast in my inbox. Her shamanic wisdom always resonates in some way, and I take seriously her recommendations for how to flow with what’s happening in the world around me.

Her theme for September was “Adjustment,” and her advice was to practice discarding what was ready to go and embracing the new so that we don’t get stuck in old, habitual patterns that ultimately hurt us. This is perfect, of course, because we’re transitioning into a new season, and change is all around us.

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Inquiry 2/4: What Chronic Back Pain Has Taught Me About Tolerating Bullsh*t

In my rough ‘n tumble twenties, I put my back through the ringer. Between getting bucked off a horse running full speed to crashing ATVs to getting rear-ended, my spine has experienced its fair share of bruises. Add on stress, poor posture, and having to schlep around a tiny human and all her gear, and most days, I’m on the couch with a heating pad by 5:00. If it’s a day where world events get me particularly enraged, the heating pad comes out by 2:00.

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Inquiry 1/4: What the Elements Have to Teach Us About Nourishing Careers

Reading about and experiencing the natural disasters this summer got me thinking about what might be going on for many of us within and how excess Fire or Water could (figuratively) manifest in our worklives.

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20 Books + Podcasts That Will Help You Reconnect to Your Genius

Most of my home state is on fire right now. It’s gut-wrenching, and as I stay indoors with my family trying not to breathe in the smoke that looms outside, I’ve been thinking a lot about what needs to happen in order for our world to be healthy again.

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What Are You Loyal To?

Right after the atrocities committed by white supremacists in Charlottesville recently, I went to my office and bumbled through my day, replaying the videos I’d seen over and over again in my head.

I checked my LinkedIn account like I do most days, and as I was scrolling through my feed, I noticed something: there was no mention of what had happened in Charlottesville. Nothing. It was as if it didn’t exist.

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